Friday, April 29, 2016

Drive home April 2016

Apr 10, 2016
We drove about 310 miles to Coalinga, CA for the night. The park, Sutherlin's Almond Tree RV Park, is nothing to shout about. Just a stop on the way home

Apr 11, 2016
Today we drove to Antlers RV Park and Marina on Shasta Lake. We've stayed here a couple times before. This time the busy season hasn't started so the park wasn't cleaned up as it would be for Memorial weekend. The weather was cloudy with some showers but we stayed out under the awning and by our fire. The lake is higher than it has been in several years.

Apr 12, 2016
We had breakfast and took a walk around the park. The weather is better today so we sat out enjoying the view of the lake.

For dinner we went to Allyson's Restaurant in Lakehead close by the RV park. The owner, Cheryl, has had the place for about 7 years. The ambiance was casual with quite an expansive menu from pizza to buffalo, fish and pasta dishes. We had a pizza and requested green green peppers. Cheryl told us she didn't have any but the grocery store is next door so she would get them from them. It was a good and a fun experience.
Inside Allyson's Restaurant
If you ever in the Shasta Lake/Lakehead area we suggest you make the stop and enjoy Allyson's Restaurant. Back at the park we sat out enjoying our last night in California  this trip.

Apr 14, 2016
We drove to Salem, OR for a one night stay at Hee Hee Illahee RV Park. It was cool, windy and rainy so we stayed in and watched TV.
Tomorrow we head for home. See you mext trip.

Palm Springs

Mar 30, 2016
We drove to Palm Springs via Prescott so we could avoid the Phoenix area, It was a very picturesque drive which took us over a pass that was more than 7000 feet high. It was quite a drive but a fun experience. When we got to Palm Springs we called Gail's best friend Teddi and were invited to her home for dinner. We had a great evening with Teddi and her husband Dave. We made plans for the next day and went back to the park for the evening. It was a beautiful sunny day with more coming for the next week. We're staying here for 11 nights.

Mar 31, 2016
After doing laundry, relaxing by the pool and playing water volleyball we joined Teddi and Dave in the afternoon. We went out to visit friends at a local watering hole where we had a light dinner. The wind has been blowing pretty hard for the last two days at the RV park so there is quite a bit of dust in the air to make the sunsets more dramatic.

Apr 1, 2016
I went for a hike with Teddi this morning. We started at about 8:30m AM to try to beat the heat. It was a pretty strenuous climb up the foothills of the San Jacinto Mtns. Back at the park after more water volleyball we went with Dave and Teddi sightseeing and antiquing.  Then to a great dinner at a nice Mexican restaurant where Gail and Teddi talked about old times and laughed harder than they had in a very long time. After dinner we went back to the park for the evening.

Apr 2, 2016
Today we stayed at the park except to go do some shopping. Teddi and Dave came to the park to visit. We walked around the park and had snacks.  Our kids and their families were flying into LA later and coming to stay in cabins in the park for a week. We brought 4 totes of things for them because they couldn't pack all they needed for the week. We were very excited for them to arrive. They got to Palm Springs at about 10:30 PM.

Apr 3, 2016
We fixed breakfast for the family at our trailer. After breakfast the kids went shopping for supplies needed for their stay. Then it was relax by the pool time and check out all the amenities. March 31 was the last day of the busy time at the park so a lot of the activities are curtailed. We hung around the park all day. Another sunny day over 90 degrees.

Apr 4, 2016
This morning Tracy, Sydney, Stephanie, Carley, Caitlin, Teddi and I went for a hike near town. We didn't get started until after 9 and it was already getting hot. We saw some great views of the city during the hike/climb. Afterward we stopped at a cool restaurant and had breakfast, lunch, appetizers, whichever we chose. Then it was back to the park to enjoy the day.

Apr 5, 2016
After we had breakfast I went and got the grand kids and we went to play some pickleball. It didn't take long for the heat to cancel that activity. Then we went to the pool and got it set up for some volleyball. We had a great time with most of us playing in addition to a couple other guests. In the late afternoon Teddi and Dave came to join us for a spaghetti dinner that was prepared in one of the cabins. We had a wonderful time sitting outdoors enjoying the food and company. After our guests left we sat out enjoying the evening.

Apr 6, 2016
Today Tracy and family drove to LA to visit Disneyland. They left very early in the AM and got back late. I guess they spent 13 hours in the park. They had a great time. The rest of us had a relaxing day soaking up the sun and swimming

Apr 7, 2016
After breakfast Gail and I went shopping in Desert Hot Springs. This is a bedroom community of Palm Springs that we hadn't visited before. Not much to see but a closer shopping location than in Palm Springs. At about 3 PM we all went into Palm Springs for an early dinner and to attend the Village Fest which is a weekly street fair. We went last year and were looking forward to seeing it again. The city closes off about 6 blocks of the main street from 6 until 10 every Thursday. It's an amazing event with lots to see.

Apr 8, 2016
We all went to Dave and Teddi's home at about noon to spend the day with them and their daughter Ginger and her husband, Ray, daughter Charlie and son Erin.

Tracy, Ginger and Steph
All the kids
Ray and Charlie

Ginger went to a Mexican grocery store and picked up lots of food from their catering dept. It was amazing food. Carnitas, salsa, guacamole, beans, seviche and lots of other goodies. The kids and most adults went swimming in the pool and played games. After a lot of fun we headed back to the park. The kids have to leave early to drive to LA and catch their flight home. This has been such a wonderful vacation.

Apr 9, 2016
After we had breakfast we went over to the cabins the kids stayed in and cleared out the refrigerators and picked up the totes they repacked for us to take home. In the afternoon we went to Teddi's house for our last visit of the trip. They are wonderful people and very cordial hosts. Tomorrow we begin our trip home.

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Rogue River, OR

Mar 24, 2016
We finally are on our first trip of the year. After 420 miles we stopped at Bridge View RV Park which is right on the Rogue River. The water was running pretty high but later in the year there is usually some good fishing even right from the bank.

We got settled in and sat out until the sunset. It's still pretty chilly even with the sun. Tomorrow off to Sacramento for some warmer weather.

Mar 25, 2016
We drove to Sacramento, another long day, and stayed at Capitol West RV Park. This park is in the West part of town near a not so nice residential area. Most of the guests were long term. When we were pulling into our site small yapping dogs were in the sites on both sides of us. Their owners apologized and controlled them. We were able to sit out outside until after dark. The weather is getting warmer. It was about 74 today

Mar 26, 2016
Today we drove to Orange Grove RV Park just outside of Bakersfield. We have stayed here before. It is a very nice park. The orange trees have all been picked and were blooming. After we got set up we sat out in upper 70’s weather. Gail looked at one of the brand new trailer tires and it was going flat. I dug out the truck jack and removed the tire to find there was a screw in it so I put on the spare. I couldn’t find any tire stores open and tomorrow being not just Sunday but Easter Sunday we’ll be lucky to get it fixed.

Mar 27, 2016
We got up early and went to the first gas station we found and filled the replaced  trailer tire for the drive to Kingman, AZ. We stopped in Barstow, CA and found a tire store open on Easter Sunday. The owner was installing new tires on a customer’s car and said he would take care of us first. I borrowed a floor jack, jacked up the trailer and removed the spare and put the repaired tire on. He charged us $10 and we were on our way.
In Kingman we stayed at Fort Biele RV Resort. This is a nice park with a view of the surrounding foothills. We took a walk around the park and saw a very cute 1958 Nash Metropolitan 2 door coupe. The owner is from Olympia and is going to Phoenix for 
The Small Car Show where his Metro is the biggest in the class.

Mar 28, 2016
The weather report last night said there are high winds with higher gusts forecasted for most of Arizona beginning about noon so we were up and on the road heading for Camp Verde RV Park south of Flagstaff. A trip of about 200 miles. The winds did kick up on our drive but we beat the worst of it. We stayed at a Thousand Trails park about 50 miles South of Flagstaff that was not at all impressive. Just a bunch of dusty sites stuck between the pine trees. After we set got up we went into the town of Cottonwood for lunch. We ate at the Tavern Grille which is in the original building that was a theater from 1928-1996 until  it was gutted by a fire. They did a great job renovating it. You can still see the fire scorch marks on the walls. The service and food was wonderful. Then it was back to the park for the rest of the day. More wind, clouds and temperature in the low 60’s.

Mar 29, 2016
It was raining lightly when we got up and still quite windy. We didn’t have to travel today so we had a nice breakfast and leisurely morning before heading to the town of Jerome which was a billion dollar copper mining operation in the late 1800’s and early 1900’s.It was called “the ghost city” after the mine closed. The population went from over 15,000 in the early 1900's to about 50 in the mid 1950’s. It is now a thriving community with many successful business catering to the tourist trade, There are restaurants, galleries, antique shops and a new grand hotel that are all doing well.

We went to Jerome at the suggestion of a friend to visit Caduceus Cellars which is owned by the lead singer from the band Tool. 

We walked the town and visited the tasting rooms. They do a great job on their wines and the town is amazing as is it looks to be carved into the side of the mountain side. Then we went to a deli and ordered lunch to take back to the park. Back at camp we tried to sit out in the sun but it was more like chasing the sun and the wind was relentless so we went inside at about 5 for the remainder of the evening. Tomorrow it’s off to Palm Springs and SUNSHINE!!!

Friday, April 22, 2016

Wenatchee, WA

Aug 11, 2015
We drove to Wenatchee for a three day stay and visit friends that used to live across the street from us. The weather was hot and there was some smoke from the Chelan fires. The forecast is for heat over 100 and only getting down to the low 70's at night. We contacted our friends and made arrangements to meet them in the morning for coffee. I had a root canal the day before we left that was giving me a bad time so we just took it easy for the day.

Aug 12, 2015
We got up and drove to a coffee shop to see our friends Sue Engel and her sons Dennis and Chuck. We haven't seen them in over 30 years. Sue's husband died in 1997 while they were living in Montana. She moved to Wenatchee this year with Chuck who was living in Florida. Dennis lives here. Chuck used to babysit our girls when they were little. After high school he went into the Air Force where he was a jet pilot flying Lear Jets, cargo planes and military escort aircraft. He lived and traveled the world during his 30+ year career. Dennis is in the aerospace business doing quite well. We had a great time reminiscing and talking with the Engels. We made plans to get together with Sue and Chuck tomorrow for lunch. After we left them we went to the Pybus Market in town. This market is very nice with a meat and fish market, wine shop, a few restaurants, a local merchandise shop, a cheese shop and more. I guess during the weekends they have more vendors and it is very busy. We bought some cheese, a bottle of wine and Gail got a shirt. Then back to the park for the evening.

Aug 13, 2015
We joined Sue and Chuck at their home for coffee and pastries this morning. After a great visit and tour of Sue's beautiful home we went to lunch at their favorite Mexican Restaurant. More memories were visited. We told them we are planning on being in Chelan next month so they might come visit us then. After lunch we went back to the park for the afternoon and evening. Tomorrow it's home for about about a week and a half.