Friday, May 23, 2014


May 19, 2014
We arrived in Chelan at about 2PM today for another great stay at Lakeshore RV Park right on the lake. We had lunch and took a short walk around the town. Then back to the park to wait for my sister, Terry, to arrive. We hung around the park for the day and evening enjoying the wonderful weather.

May 20, 2014
After breakfast we gathered Terry and went to Lake Chelan Winery to shop, taste and pick up some wine we had on order. Then back to the park for lunch. I went golfing at about 1:30 and the girls walked into town. When I returned we sat out enjoying the scenery and evening. Terry had noticed two owls in a tree at her site. It turns out they are young Great Horned Owls. In the evening we heard them screeching to the adults for food.Quite interesting.

The wind picked up in the after dinner and chased us inside at before 10. The wind blew most of the night.

May 21, 2014
We went to Benson and Wapato Point wineries today. Terry had an order she needed to pick up at Wapato Point. Then we went to the Lake Chelan Brewery for lunch. The food and beverages were really good. Then back to the park to enjoy the beautiful day. The wind came up again after dinner so we put up a wind barrier and stayed out til about 10.

May 22, 2014
We decided to not go to more wineries today. Late in the morning Gail and I walked into town and along the River Walk. This is a nice walk of about a mile going on both sides of the Chelan River. We saw two female mallards with their babies. One had 8, the other 10. Soo cute. We stopped in Marcela's Mexican restaurant for "the best Margarita in Chelan" as it said on the way in. It was good. Back to the park after shopping for a few things we need at home. It was another terrific day. Here are a couple of pictures of why we come here twice a year.

May 23, 2014
We woke to clouds and cooler than we have had this week. We are leaving the park to the Memorial Day revelers. There are law enforcement people from several jurisdictions on hand to manage the tourists. We got home at about 12 and are leaving tomorrow for Bellingham to meet up with our girls and their families and other relatives on Gail's side of the family.

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