Sunday, September 29, 2013

Lake Chelan

Sept 23, 2013
When we hit the road at about 9:30 for Chelan the clouds were pretty thick so we looked forward to the end of our journey in the sun country. It sprinkled on us during the drive but we had some sunshine too. When we pulled into Chelan it was cloudy and drizzling a bit. We had lunch and went to check in and set up at Lakeshore RV Park, one of our favorite places. After getting set up we went to Lake Chelan Winery to pick up some wine waiting for us from the Fall release. When we left we drove around looking for another winery we heard about and explore the area. Then back to the park for dinner. It got pretty cold and quite windy so after dinner we stayed in for the evening. The weather is supposed to get better through the week.

Sept 24, 2013
Up this morning to a bright sunny sky but only 47 degrees. It is Fall after all. After breakfast we walked to the office to make reservations to return in May then into town to pick up a couple things we like to get when we are here. Then back to the park for lunch. A walk of about 2 miles works up an appetite. The weather forecast was for mostly clouds but it turned out to be a real nice day. We sat out and read and walked around the park for the afternoon. After dinner we sat around the fire until after 10. A great day in Eastern Washington.

Sept 25, 2013
We woke to a beautiful sunny day. After breakfast we took a drive to explore Manson and the area. We walked to a farmer's market which was pretty low key and strolled the main street. We stopped in at the Lake Chelan Brewery for a taste of their craft beers. Next time we are in town we plan to go there for lunch. Then we drove along a ridge above the lake and our RV park on the way back to the park. There are some pretty nice views from up there. As we were having lunch my sister Terry arrived in her motor home. She is staying for two days. We went to a few wineries for some tasting. One was Benson Winery. It's up on a hill overlooking the lake and vineyards. Here are a couple of pics of the view.

When we got back we sat out in the sun until sundown and went to our site for dinner. After dinner Terry and our camping neighbors joined us at our site for the remainder of the evening. The wind was blowing pretty hard so we had to put up barriers to be comfortable.

Sept 26, 2013
It was a bit cloudy in the AM but looked to be a pretty nice day. At about noon we headed out to visit a Chelan Ridge and Rio Vista Wineries. Chelan Ridge is a very nice place where the wine maker is the host for wine tasting. This was a very informative visit. Rio Vista is a family owned winery right on the Columbia River. During the summer they have more visitors arriving on the river than from the road above the winery. Then it was back to the park for a late lunch and to enjoy the sun at Terry's lakeside site. When the sun went down it was dinner and another nice evening by the fire. More beautiful sunsets from Chelan.

Sept 27, 2013
Time to go home and the day was supposed to be wet and cold so we were up early to hit the road by 9 AM. The drive home was wet but without any serious issues. This was our last trip for the summer but we have already begun making plans for 2014.

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