Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Packwood, WA

July 28, 2013
Another beginning of another trip. We drove to Lacey to pick up Carley for our annual trek to Cascade Peaks near Packwood, WA. After getting her stuff and two bikes loaded we were off to Peaks at about 10:30. It was a sunny ride through Yelm, McKenna, Eatonville, Elbe, Morton and Randle arriving at about 12:30. We got set up, had lunch and Carley and I went fishing. Our usual fishing spot on Skate Creek was a lower than last year and we didn’t see any fish. We explored up the creek and found a new site we will try in a day or so. Back to the park after a couple hours to enjoy the sunny day. We all took a walk to see where we can access the Cowlitz River. We found a trail we can use when the others, Carley’s sis and Mom, Tracy and her family and the Hughes’ family arrive. Carley rode her bike around and played on the various toys until dinner. After eating we sat around the fire til about 10 when Carley went to bed and we retired at 11.

July 29, 2013
There were clouds on the hilltops when we woke but they burned off before 9. We had a nice breakfast and took a drive to find a productive fishing spot. In Packwood we stopped at the sporting goods store to ask questions. I asked when Skate Creek will be stocked. Bad news, they aren’t stocking it anymore  but he said there are still fish in the creek. The owner suggested a couple spots near White Pass so we drove about 15 miles to Knuppenberg Lake/Pond. It’s a pretty clear mountain pond almost to the top of the pass. Carley and I hiked in and fished for about an hour. We had a couple bites and one on but none landed. The fish were feeding on the surface so it might be better for fly fishing. On the way back we stopped at a Viewpoint of Mt Rainier. We have never seen her from that close from the east side. What a beautiful site here are a couple pictures.

Then back to camp for lunch. Carley went for a swim but the pools aren't heated enough for me so I stood in the shallow end for a while and sat on the side watching her. Later Carley and I took a bike ride all around the park just to check it out. It’s still about the same but the new owners are making efforts to clean it up. We all sat out in the sun until dinner time and back out for the fireplace until the bugs drove us inside at about 10.

July 30, 2013
The day started a little cloudy but the sun came through at about 10 to give us another beautiful day. Carley and I checked out a couple of fishing sites on Skate Creek but didn't have any luck. Our friends Hart and Amy Hughes and their kids arrived at about noon. They had been camping at Ohanapecosh Campground on Mt Rainier for three days. This is the fourth year they have joined us at Cascade Peaks. Their kids, Ethan and Emily, are 8 and almost 6 respectively. We have known Hart since he was in fifth grade with our daughter Tracy. We feel they are part of our family. After they got set up Hart and the kids and I went for a swim in the pool. Then back to camp for another lovely afternoon and evening. Whenever we see a truck with corn in it, our favorite snack and meal, we yell, "CORN!!! Oops there goes one now.
July 31, 2013

After breakfast Carley and I went to Iron Creek to see if there we could get some fish. I caught one little skulpin but no trout. When we got back a neighbor told me he and his grandsons had been to Knuppenberg Lake and caught some pretty nice fish. He told me what they used so we’ll  have to go back and try again. Our daughter Tracy and family had gotten to the park while we were fishing and about an hour later Stephanie and Caitlin arrived so the family gathering is complete. This is a joyous time for us every year. We have such a great time playing and just messing around. Carley moved her stuff to her mom’s site so it’s just us in the trailer again. The “kids” are tenters so their site is a short walk from where we are set up. We got a little rain today and some pretty impressive thunder. It's the first time we have gotten rain when staying here in August since the first year five years ago. Later in the afternoon all the kids went for a swim while we, the guys, talked fishing strategy and other plans for the rest of the trip. Gail and I went back to our site for dinner and rejoined the gang for some fire time before retiring for the night.

August 1, 2013
I realized this morning that I always start my blog with the weather. This is strange to me because I have some diaries of my Great and Great Great Grandfathers that always start with the weather. When reading them I think, why did he always start with the weather? Who cares?. So I’m not going to do that because it was cloudy again today. All day. Geez, I can’t do it. We spent the day roaming around the park and visiting with other campers. We had all the little kids, six of them, at our place for the traditional dinner of Chili-ghetti and breadsticks. Here are a couple pics of what it looked like.

My buddy Ethan Hughes wearing his chili-ghetti.

Then we went to the other camp to enjoy their fire. We came back to our site at about 9 for the remainder of the evening.

August 2, 2013
I picked up Hart and Erik at about 9 this morning to go fishing. We went to Knuppenberg Lake where Carley and I had tried earlier in the week. Erik caught a nice trout fly fishing. We went back to the park where two of the granddaughters cleaned and ate the catch. I went back to our site and Gail and I read and sat out for the day. After dinner we joined the gang again at their place for a while. After dark at our site we were visited by 9 of the gang on bikes festooned with glow sticks. It was quite a festive site.

August 3, 2013
The dads took the kids, six of them, fishing on Skate Creek this morning. We caught a few small trout but nothing we could keep since there is an 8 inch minimum size. We had a good time and some of the girls explored the area and found a new place for us to try tomorrow. After lunch everybody went to the Cowlitz River to sit on a sand bar, dig a very large hole and cool off in the river. Gail and I stayed a while then left them to their fun. After dinner the group came to our area and we played a couple games of horse shoes. Gail and I then sat at our fireplace until we were again joined by some of the clan with more glow sticks on their bikes at about 10 PM. This is always such a cool outing.

August 4, 2013
Well, here I revert. We woke this morning with the sun shining gloriously with a promise of 80 plus. Hart, Erik and I took 5 kids to breakfast at the park store which opened their new cafĂ© for biscuits and  gravy before venturing off to another fishing trip. This time it was pretty productive as far as catching but since we couldn’t keep trout under 8 inches we had cold cuts and leftovers for lunch. We did have a pretty good time since most of us caught fish. The term we use is “Whaddup fishes?’ Then it was back to camp for an afternoon for all except Gail and I lounging in and near the Cowlitz River. Gail and I took a walk to where the clan was enjoying the day. We didn't stay because it was too hot. At about 6 when they were leaving the river it was still over 85 degrees. Gail and I enjoyed the majority of the afternoon in our site chasing shade. Not the sun we chased earlier in the week. We went to the kid’s site for the evening and then back to our site. I have to tell you this. We have a Native American couple parked next to us from Shelton, WA. They are in the area to do a traditional “Cedar strip’ of trees. They have a crew of about 15 people to do a control strip of Cedar bark in several areas to supply them with basket making and other materials. The best part of this chat is that the lady next door brought us two pieces of high mountain blackberry pie and a pint Haggen Daz ice cream. We have had some darn good pie in our day but this was the best. The berry filling was perfectly cooked and the crust was flaky and sweet. What a great treat having this at the end our day.

August 5, 2013
We got up at about 8 to ready ourselves for the trip home.We had a wonderful time again at Cascade Peaks. When we were packed we walked to the kids' site to say our goodbyes. They will be another few hours packing up all the camping gear. We drove home through Olympia to drop off the twins' bikes since Steph didn't have room in her SUV. Then home at about 1:30. We are home for about 2 weeks then off the the Kite Festival in Long Beach.

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