Sunday, September 2, 2012

Kelowna, BC

Aug 24-27, 2012
Only about 85 miles North to Kelowna. This is a pretty place. The city has done a fantastic job making it tourist friendly. There are 19 golf courses within 30 minutes, many walks and hikes of varied degrees of difficulty and Lake Okanagan as well as many restaurants, wineries and pubs. We stayed at Holiday Park Resort about 14 miles North of town. This is a huge park with RV sites as well as condos, three pools, one salt water, a little par 3 golf course, and lots of activities and amenities. One morning there was over 20 quail in our site. We think our neighbor feeds them. When trying to get a photo they would run from one side of the trailer to the other underneath it. Here is one I got of some of them behind and under the picnic table.

 Our site was nice and private and well taken care of so we were able to have more privacy than in most other parks we have visited.
We went into town one day and went for a walk along the water front watching para sailors, boaters, See Dooers and seaplanes in the Lake. Lake Okanagan is 66 miles long and over 127 sq miles in area. I think that is bigger than Chelan. After our walk we went to lunch at Hanna's Bar and Grill in the Delta Grand Hotel. What a beautiful place this is. We sat on the roof top patio in the sun.

That night back at camp it rained harder than we have ever seen. The drops were so big they looked like hail. Fortuantely it only lasted a few minutes.
Next day we went to town again and for a hike. It was only about 1.5 miles but steep up hill to a view point above the city. In 2003 there was a major fire southeast of Kelowna that lasted 36 days and burned right up to the edge of town. No lives were lost but over 1000 people were evacuated from the fire area. We spoke to a couple that lived there and were told they didn't lose anything but didn't know it until there were able to go back to their home. We brought our lunch and ate on the lake's edge.

On the way back to camp we stopped at Freddy's Brew Pub and Bowling Center. Nice place, people and brew. Then back to the park for our last night in Canada. Drove home, 350 miles taking 8 hours with traffic through all the towns in Canada and Central Washington on HWY 97 as well as duty free and customs. Back on the road on Sept 6.

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