Sunday, August 26, 2012

Curlew Lake

Aug 20-23
We left this Monday AM for Lake Curlew near Republic, WA. A good friend of Don's, Tom De Roche, and his family have been going there for years so insisted that since we are free to travel we needed to visit them on their vacation. We stopped on Indian John Hill Rest stop and called son-in -law Steve and the twins to see where they were since they had left Helena, MT the day before. He was passing through Ritzville so I asked him to take Exit 151 off I-90 and we would meet them. He got there right before we did. It was good to see them if only for a short time. Then off to our destination. It was just over 300 miles and we didn't get there until after 3. When we arrived it was about 90 with a nice wind blowing from the lake. The lake is about 7.5 miles long but not very wide so it gets pretty warm. This isn't so good for fishing but the swimming looked comfortable. Our site was about 20 feet from the lake so the view was great. Here are a few pictures. As you can see in one of them these people have quite a selection of floating devices. That's our trailer behind all the floaties.


Tuesday we awoke to another nice day in the 80's. It gets down into the 40's at night so it is good for sleeping. We headed into Republic to check out the town. Some years ago the only industry in town was a lumber mill that shut down. This really hurt the community. They revamped the town with a Western theme which is pretty nice. We had a good tavern lunch in Madonnas Saloon. Then back to the park for more relaxing and enjoying our new friends
Wednesday was another nice day with a few light clouds that floated around with no effect. There was a horseshoe tourney in the afternoon that pitted the Old Guys against the Punks. The Punks are the youngsters under 40. Man do I hang out with an advanced in age group or what? I guess it's only natural. After all my girls are 37 and 41. Enough of that. Anyway, the Punks beat the Old Guys for the first time so there was quite a bit of celebrating going on into the night.
Thursday again was a nice day with some wind but of no consequence. We decided to have a little bocce ball tourney. We involved some of the kids, I mean pre teen, and they had a good time. It was a nice way to spend the afternoon. The tradition is to go night fishing on the lighted fish dock so after dark Tom and I went and tried our luck catching. There were a couple guys already there so we joined them for about an hour. They weren't really happy with me because I caught the only fish, 4 of them, while there.
Friday we arose and went into town to lay in some supplies before heading for Canada. Then back to the park to hook up and head North and West.

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