Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Camano and Anacortes

August 30- We went to Camano Island to see Gail's best friend Teddi from school. She and her husband Dave have a lovely house on the water. FUN FUN FUN. We took a walk on the beach at low tide. We sat on the deck having cocktails and reminiscing about the school days and what all is going on now. We hadn't seen them in about 10 years. Teddi fixed a great dinner. We talked more until about 9:30 then out to the trailer and bed. We were up about 8 to have rolls and fruit and more conversation. It was a fantastic visit. They spend about 8 months a year in Palm Springs and invited us to visit them next year, possibly in Feb or March. We'll see.
We hit the road about 10AM heading for Anacortes.

Aug 31- We stayed at Fidalgo Bay RV. We weren't near the water but everything was within walking distance. We took a walk across the Tommy Thompson Trestle which was about a mile each way spanning the bay. There was a warning I saw that was curious. It said "Danger- Potential bicycle tire damage due to sharp shells." I realized what this was about when we were walking. Seagulls pick up clam shells, fly up and drop them on the path so they can harvest the meat. Pretty clever birds.

Sept 1- Gail's sister Joan and her husband David drove in from Bellingham for the day. We walked the trail into town, about 2.5 miles each way. We walked the town shopping for antiques and such. We made some nice finds. In fact Joan saw a desk she really liked but didn't have a place for it in her house. About a week later she told her daughter Angie about it. They got in the car and drove to get it for Angie. We had lunch at the Brown Lantern Pub. They had Moose Drool Ale from Montana on tap. I had it before but not the others so after tasting it we all enjoyed it and a great lunch. Then back to the trailer for appetizers, wine and dinner. After dinner we took another walk to a spit of land through the woods at the park. It was a beautiful evening and a great day with family. David and Joan had a short drive home. We relaxed by our fire for the remainder of the evening.

Sept 2- We took a drive to Mt. Erie in Anacortes. There are great views of Fidalgo Bay but the trees have gotten so big it isn't as spectacular as in the past. We went back to the park and watched it fill up for the weekend. All but two sites out of about 200 were taken.

Sept 3-Headed for home. It's nice to take these trips of barely 200 miles round trip once in a while.

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