Friday, August 19, 2011

Long Beach, WA

Aug 15- Drove about 75 miles to Long Beach for the week and the kite festival. The weather was great and the drive leisurely. We stayed at Anthony's Home Court. This is a real cute park with 8 cabins and 22 RV sites. The owners are real nice guys that take great care of the park. They are having a tough time making itr financially so are going to shut it down after this season and try to sell the RV site area to a commercial investor or something. They would like to keep the cabin area but taxes and everything make it difficult.

Aug 16- We went to the beach and watched kites. It doesn't seem like as many as when we last went 5 years ago. Went to the Long Beach Tavern, LBT, for a beer and some punch boards. Had the beer and won a can of peanuts. Another beautiful but windy day. Good for the kite flyers but wears you out.

Aug 17- We met our camping neighbors, Jim and Lynn from Southern Cal. They are avid quad line Revolution Kite flyers. We watched them fly for a while. They fly with multiple people and choreograph their moves. Very interesting and entertaining. Jim and Lynn flew in the seniors ballet duo and won 2nd place.
We spent most of the day walking. We hiked on the Lewis and Clark Trail which is paved through the sand dunes from North Long Beach to Ilwaco. We walked about 8 miles. Six on the trail and 2 on the street.

Aug 18- We drove to Nahcotta and Oysterville to get some oysters. This is a very old part of the peninsula with historic homes, school and grave yards. We try to visit this when we are in the area. Don went to the kite area and Gail went antique shopping. We met at the beer garden for lunch and then drove to Cranberry Road to drive on the beach and enjoy the surf. Still another beautiful but windy day but we stayed up late, 10:30 or so, enjoying our fireplace.

Aug 19- Drive 3.5 hours home. Did all the laundry and cleaned up the rigs. WE JUST LOVE THE NEW TRAILER!!!!

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