Tuesday, July 26, 2011

More July Travels

July 9 & 10- We spent Saturday in Anaconda most all day watching the boys play softball. They won three but were in the loser's bracket so Sunday was a busy day for them. They played four more games but lost out so were out of the tourney 4 games short of winning it all. It made Don realize even slow pitch is a young man's sport.

July 11 &12-  We drove to Cheney staying at Ponderosa Falls RV Park. This is nice park but nothing going on there. We went to Greg and Donna Wozny's house for dinner. I worked with Greg at KCDA for about 19 years. A little reminiscing about work to  help me appreciate retirement. Not the job, WORK.

July 13 &14- We left Cheney for Alta Lake and space 58 in the trailer loop. Note to self-Don't get site 57. There is a tree in the middle of the site. Tracy, Steph and the girls and Oly and Sadie ( the dogs) were there setting up their camp. We avoided this until they were done. HEE HEE. We had dinner at our site with all. It was a great time with lots of laughs, spaghetti, mac and cheese and salad. Yes there were a few adult beverages as well.

July 15-18- The weather at Alta was weird. It is usually very hot, windy and dry. This time the temp was rarely over 80 with some showers. Don's sister Terry and Krisani, her granddaughter, came in Terry's new motor home. It's a real nice 23 footer. Brother Bob and his kids and grandson Jessie came as well as sister Cheryl, her son Patrick with a couple of his friends. It was real nice to see them all. On the 18th the grandkids wanted to have a squirt gun battle. In all about 6 little ones with Don as the main target. It started with squirt guns, going to water balloons, then to buckets and tubs. From there to a nice swim in the lake. We had some good sunsets when the skys cleared in the evening.


July 19-We packed up in quite a rain on the 19th and drove in a hard rain. When we turned West at Wenatchee  the sky was clear and about 75. Icicle River RV Park is real nice. The upper area sites are paved with great grass and landscaping. Our site, #59, was right on the river which was running high with the rain and snow melt. There were two campers in the park that I knew from working at KCDA. What a great coincidence. Yes Steph their husbands are firefighters.
The river was running about 4 feet higher than last year so was really roaring. We almost had to read lips while sitting outside. The view was great.
Here's a pic of the river running down from our sitePreview

We also walked Front street in town. Lots of shops, restaurants, pubs, wine tasting rooms, etc. We had a sampler tray of six of the brews made by Icicle River Brewing and dinner at the Soup Cellar. Then a nice evening at the park enjoying drinks, the river and our fire.

July 20- Today we went on a long walk in Leavenworth along the Wenatchee River. The trail was good with a lot of history and info about the area. Then we went to Icicle Ridge Winery. It was a nice day so we sat out on the deck sampling wines. The house is a beautiful log home made from locally cut wood. We had some nice wines and cheese and bought a nice Merlot. Then back to the trailer for a relaxing afternoon of lunch, reading, and enjoying the river and fire.
Gail had a phone call from her best friend form school, Teddi, so they talked and we will be seeing them this summer.

 July 21- Only 133 miles home. We had a great time on this trip as we have on the others. On the road again on July 31. Thenks for letting us share our experiences. Don and Gail

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