Friday, April 3, 2020

Prosser and Chelan

Sept 8 -  10, 2019
      Well this is the final trip of the year for us and what better way to do it than in Washington  Wine Country. We made all of our usual stops in Prosser visiting our membership wineries and others. We spent one day in Kennewick exploring antique/junque stores and having a great lunch at Tagaris Winery. We found another cute box for me to sand and refinish at one of the shops.   
     Back in Prosser we visited Barrel Springs WInery, one of our favorite stops. Jim, the owner has the winery up for sale. They always have a great sale on one of their wines. We bought a case of their Syrah.

Sept 11- 13, 2019
     In Chelan we visited our regular places and found a couple new tasting rooms. We had been a club member at Lake Chelan Winery for years and decided we would quit this one and find another. We decided on Tunnel Hill. This winery is smaller and has a great selection of wines that are reasonably priced. We feel this is a good choice for us.

Sept 14, 2019
     This has been a terrific year for us. We drove a total of 8381 miles in all kinds of weather

Long Beach and McMinnville

August 13, 2019
     We went to Long Beach to see if things have changed since we were there last. The kite festival starts the end of the week so the town was starting to get busy. We went into town to get some chowder and fish and chips at one of our favorite places. It was good but not as good as we remembered which is usually the case.
August 14, 2019
     We went to Astoria to check out a couple of sites and have lunch. We went to the Rogue Brewing Co and had some really good beer and pizza. Of the three places we wanted to visit, 2 were closed. Back at the park we sat out enjoying the sunny day, although it was a bit windy.
August  15 2019
     After breakfast we went into town and walked the boardwalk. There was a lot of kiters on the beach. We went to the Lost Roo for lunch. This is a real nice place with a good selection of brews and food. We were glad we stopped here.

August 16, 2019
     We drove to McMinnville, OR to stay at the Olde Stone Village RV Park. This is a very nice park that is pretty new. Our mission was to explore the wineries around town in the Dundee Hills area. We spent 3 days visiting wineries and tasting rooms. We discovered a winery that Fancis Ford Coppola purchased so he could have Pinot Noir added to his legacy. The label is Domaine De Broglie.
     We had a great time on this trip and will do it again .

Lakeside, MT, Grand Teton NP, Caldwell, ID and Cascade Peaks

July 16, 2019
We drove to Lakeside, MT to see Steve and Geraldine at the lake property. Steve and his neighbor Jeremy have a pontoon boat rental business and a couple of the boats came in so I helped clean them up and get gas in them. He and Geraldine fixed us a really good dinner of Pad Thai chicken and fried rice.
     In the morning Steve came over and invited us for a ride on his 4 seat Razr UTV. We had a great ride into the hills around Hauser Lake. Some of the time on dirt roads, other times on dirt and gravel trails. We had a great time. About half way into the ride we stopped on a hill top and had a real nice lunch Geraldine had packed for us. 

Back at the property we had dinner and sat around the fire to top off the evening.

     After breakfast Thursday Steve and  I went to bring a couple boats to the storage yard. Then we all got into one of the boats and went to his property at Soup Creek. We spent a few hours playing with the dogs, eating the snacks they brought and just chillin. When we went back to Lakeside we had to drive into the wind but all and all it was another great day.
     Tomorrow we drive to Alpine, WY which is near Grand Teton NP

July 19, 2019
     After we got set up we drove into Alpine to check on a place for dinner. We found a cool western bar that had prime rib as their special. It was pretty darn good.
July 20, 2019   
After breakfast we drove to Jackson Hole, about a 25 minute drive. Jackson is a cool tourist town that was really booming. Lots of shops with memorabilia, restaurants and people. The park in town center is very cool with antler arches at each of the four entrances.

For lunch we went to the Snake River Brewing Co. I went with their Spicy Beef and Buffalo chile. The food and drink were great. Back at the RV park we sat out and met some of our neighbors.
     On Sunday we went to see Grand Teton NP. Teton Village is the tourist center for the park with lots to do. We walked around the village and proceeded into the park. The road was quite rough and not completely paved. The Grand Teton mountains are amazing. They are not like Cascades or Rockies. They are very rugged and sharp.

During our drive we came upon Jenny Lake. This is a beautiful lake with the clearest water I have ever seen in a mountain lake.

The total drive through the park was about 100 miles and very worth it.
Tomorrow we are driving to Caldwell, ID

July 22, 2019
     The drive to Caldwell was nice and all new territory. We came here to visit with Sheryl and Tony Sherry. Sheryl is one of Gail's best friends. Tony has ALS and has been confined to his bed for about 5 years. He recognizes us and is expressive when we are there. I always help Sheryl around the house with projects and chores, This trip I assembled a Traeger Smoker for her. It is always good to see these folks.

July 27, 2019
Today we drove Prosser for the night before going to Packwood and Cascade Peaks for our annual family gathering

July 28-Aug 1 2019
We got to Peaks just after noon and got set up and went to where Tracy and family and the Hughes' had their campsite set up. We made plans to go fishing during the trip and discussed shared meals. Our fishing trips were pretty fruitful so we had trout at one of our dinners. 
One of the days we got into our vehicles and drove to the Windy Ridge Observation Point of Mt St Helens. We stopped at four other places to view the remnants of the eruption. It was a beautiful day for the drive and very interesting. When we arrived at Windy Point we hiked up a rough stair case to the top of the Ridge. I think I counted about 400 stairs. We had talked about visiting this area before and I am glad we finally did it. 
We had a great time as usual on this trip but we realize that its probably time to move on after doing the Peaks trip for years. The park is getting more run down and too many of the tenants are full timers and work there living in really run down rigs. Good Bye Peaks. It was great while it lasted.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Winthrop, Wenatchee and Wallace

July 8, 2019
     We left Kent today heading to Winthrop for our annual trip to the Silverline resort. We arrived in Winthrop in the early afternoon so went to the Old School Brewery for lunch. This place has great food and beers.

When we were done we drove to the Silverline and got set up for our 5 night stay. The weather is supposed to be nice and warm for our stay. After getting set up I walked around visiting with friends we have met in previous visits here. I went fishing in Lake Pearrygin after dinner which I did every evening and before breakfast daily. These are two I caught the first night


After fishing we sat around the fire until it started raining pretty hard. It kept raining into the night.
     In the morning there was little sign of rain. I just did a little maintenance raking our site. Then we went for a drive to see if there were any other lakes I can fish in from the bank. None had beach access. When we were driving around we came upon a farm that had "art" in a field. Here are a few items.
Sneakers on Poles

Coffee Cups on Sticks
A Bunch of the Same Green Bottles
When we returned to the RV park we found that the artist/farmer is quite a recluse and won't allow anyone on his property.
     Wednesday after breakfast we took a drive to Lost River Winery Tasting Room. They make some very good wines and are very cordial. 
     From there we went to an antique store we like to visit. After looking around we found a piece of a farm implement that I think is a type of plow that we liked. Here it is on the house. We think it's pretty cool.

When we returned to the park we found that our friends from Richmond, BC and arrived. We met Derek and Colleen Edwards and their daughters Rachel and Paige several years ago and have become quite close. After they got set up we got together and reminisced over the past year.
     This is Thursday and the park was starting to fill up. In the afternoon we walked around watching the new campers pulling in and getting set up. it's going to be a busy weekend in the park. 
      After breakfast Friday we went into Winthrop to see how busy the town was. It was very busy. While we were in town we went into Sixknot Taphouse. We visited here last year and with an appetizer we had we discovered their stone ground mustard. It was terrific so we bought a small jar. We just ran out so we bought another.
      We met the Edwards family at the local cidery for lunch. The cidery has a great selection of ciders and brats. Then we all went back to the park which was almost full.. 
     Tomorrow we head for Wenatchee.

July 13 and 14
     We went to Wenatchee with a brief stop in Twisp to do laundry. We stayed at the Columbia River Confluence SP. This is a very nice state park. We are in Wenatchee to visit our dear friend and ex neighbor, Sue Engel. We had lunch with her and one of her sons, Dennis at her home. It was a great visit.

July 15, 2019
      We drove the 250 miles to Wallace, ID to spend the night because we didn't want to drive 480 miles to Helena. We walked around Wallace and visited the Oasis Bordello and museum. Interesting place. Then we went to a consignment/antique shop where we found a small wooden box we bought to add to our collection. For dinner we went to the City Limits Pub and Grub. This is a great stop for great food and beer at a great price.
Tomorrow we are on to the Helena area.

Sunday, June 30, 2019

Washington Wine Country-Spring, 2019

May 28, 2019
     We hit the road this morning at about 10 heading for Chelan to spend three days as we usually do at this time of year.
     We arrive at Lakeshore RV Park at about 2:30. We got set up and were enjoying the mid 70's temperature. After dinner we were outside when the temp dropped about 15 degrees, a pretty good wind came up and it started raining. It rained hard for about an hour and continued lightly into the evening.
     In the morning after breakfast we headed out to do some wine tasting and enjoy a real nice sunny day. We had a coupon for dinner at Lake Chelan winery so we ate there again. I may have said this before, but I mean this, their Baby back rib meat sandwich, with fresh corn bread, cole slaw and fabulous baked beans are wonderful. Then it was back to the park for an enjoyable evening.
     After breakfast we took a walk into town, which we usually do. After lunch we visited a few wine tasting rooms and went back to the park and took a walk around the facility. They are installing underground sprinklers throughout so the grass was torn up in a lot of areas. It will be very nice in Sept when we return.

May 31,2019 
     This morning we headed out to Prosser with a stop in east Wenatchee for gas at Costco. When we arrived we went to lunch at Jeremy's Public House which is what we usually do when we are in Prosser. Jeremy's is for sale. The owners aren't in a hurry to sell and want it to stay as a restaurant. After lunch we stopped t a couple wineries and then went to the park. The weather in Prosser is in the mid 80's and is supposed to be through our stay.
     After a nice breakfast we went to Ace Hardware to pick up some maintenance items. After which we visited a few local businesses and went to Bern's Saloon for one of their great burger and fries lunches. We then went to a couple of wine and gift shops. Then back to the park where I went for a swim and we had a nice dinner.
     We stayed in the park for the morning today going out later to a couple tasting rooms and a great lunch at Wine O'Clock Bistro. Their pear and bacon is phenomenal. Then back to the park for a relaxing evening.

June 3, 2019
     Today we had about a 47 mile drive to Columbia Sun RV Resort in Kennewick. We've stayed here before and it is a very nice park. When we arrived we just hung around the park for the day.
     The last time we were here we discovered The Country Mercantile. It is a very nice store that bakes their own bread, makes their own candies, salsas and has a great deli. We had lunch and bought a few things. From there we visited a couple tasting rooms and returned to the park. It was very warm so I went for a swim.
     After breakfast we visited the local visitor's info center to gather maps and brochures. From there we went to an old mall and checked out a couple of antique/consignment stores. We also found a Spuds Donut Shop which we hadn't seen in our area for decades. Yes, we did purchase a couple of cinnamon rolls. After visiting two tasting rooms we went to Anthony's Home Port for a happy hour late lunch. Then back to the park for the evening and prep for the drive home tomorrow.

We had a pretty good rain squall at about dusk.
       But it was followed by a great rainbow. A  nice ending to our trip.

      We hit the road at about 9:30 for our drive home. We are home until July 8 so I'll have plenty of time to get the deck worked on and painted. Thanks for tuning in.

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Palm Springs and Phoenix-2019

Feb, 18, 2019
     It's finally here. Time to head South to get away from the white Winter we are having. We left at about 9:30 AM to Canyonville, OR about 380 miles South. It was snowing lightly when we left and was off and on during the drive. We got set up before dark, which is always a good thing. When we used the new toilet, water sprayed out of the spray handle. I put the sprayer in a bucket as a temporary fix. We also noticed the stair going out the front door was not working properly. There was nothing we could do about these issues so we went to 7 Feathers Casino for dinner and some mild gambling, then back to the park for the night.

Feb 19, 2019
     We are driving to Winters, CA, about 375 miles for another one night stay. En route we stopped at an RV dealer near Grants Pass and bought a replacement for the broken step for me to install later. Then we stopped at Home Depot  and picked up some parts to repair the sprayer. We arrived at Canyon Creek RV Park in Winters, CA after dark and the office was closed. I was able to find the security guy so he could let us in for the night.

Feb 20, 2019
     The office at the park didn't open until 10 AM so I set to replacing the step on the trailer. We then checked out and headed to Bakersfield, Orange Grove RV Park, about 310 miles. It was raining and cold at the park so we spent the evening having dinner and watching TV. Tomorrow snow is forecast for the high desert area of CA so we have to decide which route to take to Palm Springs.

Feb 21, 2019
     In the morning I went to the office to ask about the road conditions heading South. The lady said the pass over the high desert was closed so we decided to go to I-5 and the Grapevine. Prior to leaving I walked to the orange orchard area of the park and gathered about a dozen fresh oranges.
     When we left the park it was raining hard all the way to the Grapevine and beginning up the hill. As we gained elevation the rain turned to snow. The speed was about 35-40. At the top of the Grapevine the temp was 29, snowing hard. We didn't see any other RVs going South up the pass. After reaching the summit the North bound traffic was being directed off the freeway by CHP. When we reached the Pasadena area the temp was 60 but 10 minutes later it had dropped to 36 and snowing hard again. WHAT THE HECK!!!
     We arrived at our RV park in Desert Hot Springs at about 4 PM in the rain. I noticed that the left rear trailer tire was going flat as I was going to check in. By the time we got to our site the tire was flat so I had to change it and put on the spare before setting up. The only consolation is that it is supposed to get warmer for the remainder of our stay. It was a grueling 225 mile drive. We called our friends Teddi and Dave and made plans to go to Happy Hour and dinner. What a great way to end the trip South.

Feb 22- 28, 2019
On Friday I took our flat tire to a Discount Tire Store near the park. After evaluating the wear on the tire and the the other tires we decided to get four new ones. We'll have this done the day we leave the area. The remainder of our stay was spent visiting friends from our past and those made on our visits to this area.      On Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday I played a total of 8 hours of water volleyball. That's a good way to realize how old I am. Cool cloud formation near Palm Springs

      On Tuesday, 2/26, we went to Sherral and Gary Lane's home in Bermuda Dunes for a cocktail party. Gail and I went to school with Sherral. Our friends Dave and Teddi were there as well as 6 other people we went to HS with. What a great gathering. Sherral asked if we want to do it again next year. We all agreed to it so she in going to reach out to all other HS friends she knows spend time in the Palm Springs area and make it a mini reunion.
     About mid week the wind kicked up in Desert Hot Springs area most afternoons but it wasn't as bad in PS, Palm Springs. Gail and I went into PS a couple of times to walk the town. There is a lot of growth in the area. Some of the smaller boutique shops are having a rough go of it and are moving out but overall the community is prospering.
     The last night we were in town we went to Teddi and Dave's home for dinner. When we we driving to our park the wind was blowing so hard I had to slow to about 20 because of blowing sand obscuring my vision. A few days later they had to close some of the street because if high winds.

Mar 1- 6, 2019
     We had an appointment to have new tires installed on the trailer at 10 so we went to that and headed to Surprise, AZ, about 290 miles. After getting set up in Sunflower RV Park we called our friends Greg and Donna Wozny to go out for dinner. It is always fun to see them.
     On Saturday we met up with cousin Lance and his family at Top Golf in Glendale. It was a fun experience. We then went to lunch nearby at a new burger place called Cold Beers and Cheeseburgers. Its a nice place.
     I played golf with Greg a couple times during our stay. We all went to Wild Horse West again for about the best burger ever.
     We all took a long drive one day to Goldfield Ghost Town near Apache Junction. It was kind of interesting but not what we expected. We then tried to find a place for lunch in Apache Junction to no avail. We ended going to a casino near Phoenix and had a very good lunch.
     We had dinner at Greg and Donna's home our last night in town.

Mar 7-11, 2019
     The drive home. One night in San Bernardino and the same named RV park. Not going back there again. 319 miles.
     One night at The Lakes RV and Golf. We've stayed there before. Nice and free golf if you get there early enough to play before dark. 313 miles.
     One night in Yreka at Waiiaka RV Park. Nice little park with fresh popcorn. Dinner from a good Round Table Pizza. It was cold and snowy during the night. We noticed there was some water in the trailer from outside via a leak. Needs some time in the shop when we get home.
     En route to Woodburn, OR over the Syskiyous it snowed real hard causing us to miss our exit to All Star Liquor. It was a 5 mile mistake but no problem. 310 miles to Woodburn.
     Home Sweet Home. 194 miles.. 3700.4 total miles

Thursday, October 11, 2018

Prosser, Chelan and Montana

Sept 6-8, 2018
We drove to Prosser  for our traditional September visit. We arrived at about 2 and got set up before heading out for some wine tasting. My sister Terry arrived at about 4 staying at a nearby motel. After getting settled we went to Jeremy's Roadhouse for dinner and back to the RV park for a nice evening . The weather is supposed to be nice for  our three night stay.
     On Thursday we did some wine tasting and had a nice lunch. Friday we did more of the same and cooked a great hamburger dinner. Later in the evening we were sitting out and saw some lightning to the east. Soon the storm had moved right over us. The lightning was pretty spectacular and it rained pretty hard for a short time

Sept 9-11, 2018
     Today we drove to Chelan for a three night stay. When we got to Chelan we went to the Apple Cafe for lunch and watched part of the Seahawks preseason game. After setting up at the RV park we went to a couple wine tasting rooms. Back at the park the sun was out but the wind was blowing at 10-15 mph. In the evening we set up our fireplace between the truck and trailer to get out of most of the wind
    Monday after breakfast we walked into town to do some light shopping. Then we visited a few wineries after lunch. In the evening we went to Lake Chelan Winery for dinner . We had a coupon for 2 for 1 BBQ rib meat sandwiches with slaw and beans. We had this on our visit in May and really enjoyed it as we did this trip. Back at the park it was still windy so we set up our windbreaks and enjoyed the evening.
     Tuesday afternoon we visited more tasting rooms and prepared for our drive to St Regis in the morning.

Sept 12, 2018
     We drove to St Regis, MT today not using interstate highways until we got to Spokane. Then it was I-90 to St Regis, a total of 278 miles. After getting set up we drove to the 50,000 Silver Dollar store. We had dinner and Gail did some shopping. The park has a lot of carved bears and other animals.

Sept 13-16 , 2018
     We headed out this morning to Anaconda, MT. We stayed at Fairmont RV Park where we have stayed in the past. The weather here was to be sunny with some clouds and temperature in the low 60's. At night it was to be in the low 30's. After we got set up we went to lunch at Old Works Golf Course. The wind was blowing very hard. After lunch we went to the Club Moderne. This is a beautiful bar built in 1937. In 2016 it was chosen America's Favorite Historic Bar by the National Trust for Historic Preservation. Also in 2016 it was virtually destroyed by fire. It was rebuilt to its previous design and reopened in 6 1/2 months. The owner, Johnny Hekkel told us all about the process.

      Today is Friday. We went to Deer Lodge to visit the historic state penitentiary. This is a self guided exhibit that shows the facility as it was and in some places there are mannequins and props showing prison functions. It was interesting and a little eerie. At the end of the tour we visited their classic car museum. This was amazing. There are over 160 cars on display ranging to some of the first vehicles through muscle cars of the 80's. After this visit we went to the Hof Brau Restaurant in Anaconda and returned to the RV park. It was too windy to sit out. Later in the evening it began to rain real hard. It was good to have our rig for its shelter and furnace.
     On Saturday it was sunny but cold in the morning. Later in the day it warmed up to the mid 60's. It was a beautiful day. We cruised around Anaconda for a bit but mostly stayed in the park.

     On Sunday we drove to the old mining town of Phillipsburg. The town has been kept somewhat as it was in the days of sapphire and quartz mining. We walked the main street checking out some of the businesses.

After our visit we went back to Anaconda and checked out some of the businesses. Back at the park we sat out and enjoyed the pleasant day.
     Sept 17, 2018
       This morning we got up and hit the road toward Post Falls, ID for our last night on the road for the year. We stayed in the park and got up in the morning for the drive home. Thanks to all of our followers.

Sunday, September 30, 2018

Reno/ Sparks, Yreka and home

August 3, 2018
     We drove the almost 400 miles from Caldwell, ID to Sparks, NV via Hwys 95 and 80 through Winnemucca. It wasn't a bad drive because it was new to us. We stayed at the Sparks Marina RV Park. This is a very nice park with paved sites and everything we need for our four day stay. We got set up and settled in for a nice warm, but smokey day. We had neighbors across from us who had to evacuate their property in Redding because of the fires. Pete and Patty are really nice people who had to bring their three dogs with them. One is Romeo, a husky malamute mix who they are taking care of for their daughter. He's a nice dog but is a little wild,
We learned that next weekend is Hot August Nights so we will miss one of the the craziest weekends in Reno. 
     Today is Saturday. We needed some groceries so we found a supermarket and restocked the pantry. After shopping we took a walk around the park. A few hot rods are already in town for the the show next weekend. After our walk I more neighbors in the park. They are Terry Fiest and his wife Bobbie. They are a little older than us and live in Orlando, FL. They grew up in Anaconda, MT so we have some things in common.
      On Sunday we decided to go to Reno . We haven't been here for over 20 years so we are intrigued to see what Reno is like. We walked the main street of Reno going through casinos as we went along. We did a little gambling during the process. After the visit we decided we don't need to return to Reno. We stopped at a sports bar for a late lunch on the way back to the park. After dinner Terry and Bobbie invited us for cocktails. Terry is very involved in classic wooded boats. When they leave here they are going to Lake Tahoe for a classic boat show. After that they are going to Anaconda for a funeral for a friend they went to school with. 
      After breakfast today we went to Virginia City. We noticed more hot rods and Classic cars driving around. In Virginia City we parked the truck and walked the town. There are the usual trinket shops and stores along with the the old businesses and public buildings. The old Delta Saloon was nice. They have re purposed some of the rooms upstairs for special events and rentals. 
Delta Saloon

We stopped at the Bucket O Blood Saloon for a drink and gather more historic knowledge. On the way back to the park we stopped for lunch. Behind the restaurant there was a car show with over 100 vehicles showing. Back at the park we sat out visiting with other campers and enjoying the many more cars coming into town for the show.
August 6, 2018
     We left Sparks this morning heading to Yreka, a 255 mile drive, on Hwy 395 to Susanville, then on Hwy 44  and 89 to I5 at Lake Shasta. In Yreka we stay at the Waiiaka RV Park. It's a nice little park where we usually we stay on our way north. After getting set up we went to the new casino near town. We won a few dollars so we cashed in and went into town for dinner. We found the Etna Brewery and Tap House. We had a great dinner and will return on our trip. Back at the park we had a great sunset, of course with smoke, above a nice VW Van in our park.
Tomorrow we drive to Woodburn, OR for our last night on the road, then home on Thursday.

Monday, September 24, 2018

Caldwell, ID

July 28, 2018
     We left Packwood by 9:30 as planned heading for Pendleton, OR. We arrived in the early afternoon at the Wildhorse Casino and RV Park and got set up by 2. It was hot and smokey from fires in Canada. At about 3 we went to the casino for some light gambling and an early dinner. We sat out in the park until about 9. I heard some loud music that I thought was from in the park. After wandering around a bit I found that it was Latino music night at the outdoor venue near the casino. It was supposed to last until 11. At about 11:30 I still heard the music, I turned out to be some of the concert goers in the park still partying. By midnight security shut them down.
     We were up and out of the park before 9 for the 230 mile drive. We got to Caldwell, ID and the Ambassador RV Park. It was very warm and smokey here. We have stayed here several times. It's a very nice park with all the amenities. Gail's very good friend Sherral Sherry and her husband Tony live in nearby Nampa. Gail called Sherral and we were invited to her new house for dinner. Sherral 's daughter and family were leaving Monday on a camping trip and wanted to see us. Both families have moved into new homes. We had a very nice dinner and were shown both homes. We were back at the park by 9PM.
     Monday in Caldwell. We had breakfast and called Sherral at about noon. She was running errands so we decided to meet her for lunch at about 1. We had a very nice lunch and went to her house. Since they have just moved into a new home she had some furniture that needed to be assembled. I grabbed my tools and went to work putting together a pneumatic adjustable table. We barbecued some chicken for dinner and spent the evening visiting. Back at the park it was still pretty hot and smokey. This made for some nice sunsets.
     On Tuesday I had an appointment to get the truck serviced in the afternoon. Sherral came over for lunch and then she and Gail went for a drive while I took the truck in. The dealership found our front brakes needed to be replaced so I got it done. I met the ladies at Sherral's home for dinner. We went back to the park at about 8 so I went for a swim.
     Today we had a leisurely start before calling Sherral asking if she had plans for the day. She asked us over to her house for lunch. AND, she had a desk that needed to be assembled. We had lunch and I went to work. Later we went out for Pizza dinner. We were back to the park by 7 so I took another swim.
     This is our last day in Caldwell. We went over to Sherral's home for a while in the afternoon and then back to the park to get ready for our drive to Reno in the morning

Cascade Peaks 2018

July 21, 2018
     We left the house this morning for Cascade Peaks near Packwood. We met Hart and Amy Hughes and their two kids at Krain Corner Restaurant for breakfast. What a great way to start a vacation. After eating headed over Hwy 410m and Hwy 123 to the RV park. We arrived after noon and began setting up our site and the Hughes' theirs. Shortly afterward Tracy, Erik and Emerson joined us and began their setup with the Hughes'. The weather for our 8 day stay is supposed to be quite warm in the 80's and 90's

 It is our tradition to go to the Blue Spruce for dinner so off we went. The kids, three of them, are able to come to Spruce but can't sit in the bar area. We had a fun dinner with much laughter.
After dinner we went back to the park for the evening. The kids wanted to swim but the pool was extremely crowded and needed maintenance so they decided to wait until tomorrow. We stayed at the kids' site and enjoyed their campfire.
     Today the young ones went for a swim in the pool after a lot of the campers had left the park. We all took a hike to the Cowlitz River which flows adjacent to the park. It appears there wasn't much flooding this year so there are nice places for us to enjoy the river.
    After breakfast on Monday Gail and I went for a walk all around the park. It is about a 2 mile walk. Yesterday when we arrived the place was very busy but today probably two thirds of the campers have left. After lunch most of us went to the river and soaked and floated for a few hours. Later in the evening we joined the kids at their site and sat by the fire and played games.
     Tuesday was fishing day. Most of us left the park at 8AM heading for Dog Lake just east of the White Pass summit. It is a nice little lake with lots of things to do.
We only caught one trout in several hours so we headed back to the park for lunch. Our intention was to have a trout feed for dinner and fortunately I had frozen some I caught at Lake Pearrygin so there will be plenty for all. Late in the afternoon we went to the kids' site to prep for dinner,. Emerson, 13 years old, asked if she could help clean and cook the fish. I showed her how to clean the fresh trout and she proceeded to clean it. She did a great job aside from a minor gag reflex incident.
She was a real trooper helping cook and serve the fish. She likes crispy fried skin. Gail made a pot of Chili-Ghetti and garlic bread for dinner, too. After dinner we went to our site and sat out in the nice warm evening.
     Wednesday was another beautiful day. After breakfast Gail and I went into town to do some shopping. After lunch I joined the other campers down at the river to sit in a lawn chair in the river to keep cool. It was a fun way to wile away the afternoon. After a couple hours of that I went back to our site. We sat reading in the shade. At about dinner time we went to the other site and joined in on some rousing games of Corn Hole. A bit later we had dinner with the kids.
     Thursday some of us went fishing again. We didn't catch anything so at about noon we all got together for lunch at the Spruce. After lunch we all walked around Packwood checking out a couple of new businesses. Then it was back to the park for the rest of the day. The others came over to our site later in the afternoon for happy hour and appetizers. Thee they left for dinner and we joined them later to sit by the fire and have S'mores.
     Friday we had a nice breakfast and went outside to enjoy the morning. The Packwood Rod Run is this weekend and there are a few custom cars in the park. Here is a very nice '29 Model A roadster pick up that was parked across from us. The owners are from Shelton.

Our plans were to stay until Sunday and then drive over 400 miles to Caldwell, ID. We talked about leaving Saturday instead driving to Pendleton, OR to cut driving time in half for Saturday and Sunday. The next time we saw the kids we told them of our plans. They understood completely. We plan on leaving Saturday by 9:30.