Sunday, June 30, 2019

Washington Wine Country-Spring, 2019

May 28, 2019
     We hit the road this morning at about 10 heading for Chelan to spend three days as we usually do at this time of year.
     We arrive at Lakeshore RV Park at about 2:30. We got set up and were enjoying the mid 70's temperature. After dinner we were outside when the temp dropped about 15 degrees, a pretty good wind came up and it started raining. It rained hard for about an hour and continued lightly into the evening.
     In the morning after breakfast we headed out to do some wine tasting and enjoy a real nice sunny day. We had a coupon for dinner at Lake Chelan winery so we ate there again. I may have said this before, but I mean this, their Baby back rib meat sandwich, with fresh corn bread, cole slaw and fabulous baked beans are wonderful. Then it was back to the park for an enjoyable evening.
     After breakfast we took a walk into town, which we usually do. After lunch we visited a few wine tasting rooms and went back to the park and took a walk around the facility. They are installing underground sprinklers throughout so the grass was torn up in a lot of areas. It will be very nice in Sept when we return.

May 31,2019 
     This morning we headed out to Prosser with a stop in east Wenatchee for gas at Costco. When we arrived we went to lunch at Jeremy's Public House which is what we usually do when we are in Prosser. Jeremy's is for sale. The owners aren't in a hurry to sell and want it to stay as a restaurant. After lunch we stopped t a couple wineries and then went to the park. The weather in Prosser is in the mid 80's and is supposed to be through our stay.
     After a nice breakfast we went to Ace Hardware to pick up some maintenance items. After which we visited a few local businesses and went to Bern's Saloon for one of their great burger and fries lunches. We then went to a couple of wine and gift shops. Then back to the park where I went for a swim and we had a nice dinner.
     We stayed in the park for the morning today going out later to a couple tasting rooms and a great lunch at Wine O'Clock Bistro. Their pear and bacon is phenomenal. Then back to the park for a relaxing evening.

June 3, 2019
     Today we had about a 47 mile drive to Columbia Sun RV Resort in Kennewick. We've stayed here before and it is a very nice park. When we arrived we just hung around the park for the day.
     The last time we were here we discovered The Country Mercantile. It is a very nice store that bakes their own bread, makes their own candies, salsas and has a great deli. We had lunch and bought a few things. From there we visited a couple tasting rooms and returned to the park. It was very warm so I went for a swim.
     After breakfast we visited the local visitor's info center to gather maps and brochures. From there we went to an old mall and checked out a couple of antique/consignment stores. We also found a Spuds Donut Shop which we hadn't seen in our area for decades. Yes, we did purchase a couple of cinnamon rolls. After visiting two tasting rooms we went to Anthony's Home Port for a happy hour late lunch. Then back to the park for the evening and prep for the drive home tomorrow.

We had a pretty good rain squall at about dusk.
       But it was followed by a great rainbow. A  nice ending to our trip.

      We hit the road at about 9:30 for our drive home. We are home until July 8 so I'll have plenty of time to get the deck worked on and painted. Thanks for tuning in.