Monday, August 8, 2016

Cascade Peaks

July 25, 2016
We left home this morning for a 5 night stay at Cascade Peaks for our annual get together. We got there at about noon right after Hart and Amy Hughes and their kids. Soon after, daughter Tracy and her girls got there. They went to their campsite to get set up and we did the same. It was a hot sunny day so there was some pool time and a trip to the Cowlitz River to check it out after some serious Fall and Winter flooding. The area where we sit and do some floating was in good shape. After dinner we joined the kids at their site to enjoy the fire.

July 26, 2016
We had a good breakfast and hung around our site for the morning. I joined the others at the pool in the afternoon before they went to the river. It was quite hot so I chose to return to our site and enjoy the shade. We went to their site for dinner and the evening fire.

July 27, 2029
After breakfast Erik arrived with Carley for the rest of the week. The other camp spent the day at the river so we chilled around our site. We were invited for dinner so we joined the rest for the evening.

July 28, 2016
After breakfast I picked Carley and Sydney up to go for a hike. We went to Silver Falls in the Ohanopacosh campground, It was a beautiful hike of about 2.5 miles.
Ohonapacosh River
 Carley crossing a creek
Carley at Silver Falls
Sydney at Silver Falls

Sydney and Carley
After the hike we went back to the park for another beautiful day. The adults went into town for shopping and refreshments at the Blue Spruce Bar. Then shopping and back to the park for a quick dip in the pool and dinner.

July 29, 2016
I went to the kid's site in the morning so we could go fishing. Everybody except Gail went so there was 11 of us and 2 dogs and nobody caught anything. On the way back to the park I dropped my passengers off at the Blue Spruce for their lunch. They got back to the park at about 3 with daughter Steph and Caitlin with them. We went to their site after dinner and most went to bed early.

July 30, 2016
I picked up Hart and Erik for more fishing in various streams. Again, no fish. We went back to their site just in time for a great breakfast. Afterwards they all went to the river for one last time this trip. The weather was cooler but they had a good time anyway. One more night around the fire before leaving in the morning.

July 31, 2016
We left Cascade Peaks at about 9:30 headed for Willamette Wine Country Resort near McMinnville, OR.