Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Long Beach, WA

April 20, 20
We took the drive to Long Beach in hopes that the weather wouldn't be bad. The drive was uneventful and cloudy most of the way. I got my fishing and razor clam licenses for the trip. There was too much wind to sit out and there was a threat of wind. After getting set up we drove into town to see what changes there were since we were there last. More business are for sale and the tourists were minimal. The past weekend they had the annual Seafood Fest which we heard that it was quite busy. Then back to camp for the evening.

April 21, 2015
I got up at about 7 and went clamming. It took less than an hour to get my limit of 15 clams. Then back to the trailer for breakfast. We hung around the park for the day. Another typical early spring day. Windy!

April 22, 2015
I was up and clamming first thing in the morning. Another limit. Then we drove to Oregon, Fort Stevens to visit the stockade which we missed on a previous trip. It was closed so we just went to Costco to fuel up the truck. Then back the the beach for lunch. We ate at Castaways having chowder and fish and chips. It was really good. Then we drove on the beach all the way to the Oysterville access road. North of there we saw a building that looks like a lighthouse but we're not sure if it is a private home or what. Here is a picture of it.

Back at the park we sat out enjoying a rare sunny day. We sat behind our trailer to stay out of the wind. It really felt good.

April 23, 2015
When I got up to go lamming Gail asked if we could leave today instead of the tomorrow because of the weather. It was raining and blowing hard. I agreed that it sounded like a good idea. I went out and got another limit of clams, cleaned them and packed up for the drive home. My last limit.

We got home in the afternoon to some more wet weather.

Long Beach, WA

April 20, 20
We took the drive to Long Beach in hopes that the weather wouldn't be bad. The drive was uneventful and cloudy most of the way. I got my fishing and razor clam licenses for the trip. There was too much wind to sit out and there was a threat of wind. After getting set up we drove into town to see what changes there were since we were there last. More business are for sale and the tourists were minimal. The past weekend they had the annual Seafood Fest which we heard that it was quite busy. Then back to camp for the evening.

April 21, 2015
I got up at about 7 and went clamming. It took less than an hour to get my limit of 15 clams. Then back to the trailer for breakfast. We hung around the park for the day. Another typical early spring day. Windy!

April 22, 2015
I was up and clamming first thing in the morning. Another limit. Then we drove to Oregon, Fort Stevens to visit the stockade which we missed on a previous trip. It was closed so we just went to Costco to fuel up the truck. Then back the the beach for lunch. We ate at Castaways having chowder and fish and chips. It was really good. Then we drove on the beach all the way to the Oysterville access road. North of there we saw a building that looks like a lighthouse but we're not sure if it is a private home or what. Here is a picture of it.

Back at the park we sat out enjoying a rare sunny day. We sat behind our trailer to stay out of the wind. It really felt good.

April 23, 2015
When I got up to go lamming Gail asked if we could leave today instead of the tomorrow because of the weather. It was raining and blowing hard. I agreed that it sounded like a good idea. I went out and got another limit of clams, cleaned them and packed up for the drive home. My last limit.

We got home in the afternoon to some more wet weather.